Sunday 3 April 2011

Media Evaluation

We decided to film the evaluation of our media product as it would create a clearer understanding of our thoughts and feelings due to the fact that the audience/reader could see exactly what we were talking about, through gestures during the video. As a group, we discussed our thoughts on the finished product and put together an evaluation that discussed all our views. We attempted to address presentation by looking at the camera as we spoke, however it was very difficult to look at the camera and read the script at the same time. We could also have improved our videoed evaluation by zooming in on the screen and at us during certain parts of our speech for emphasis. Maddy wrote a lot of the evaluation, Ollie did a lot of the editing to piece the video together, and Hannah stood and watched and helped film it. We enjoyed working on this media product together and worked well as a team. We were happy with our finished product but it could have been improved.
By Maddy, Hannah and Ollie

Monday 28 March 2011

Double page spread

This is my double page spread. Trying to find a good image for this page was very difficult as it has to fit well on the page and match the article's description of the band. I am happy with my double page spread image as there are many levels which makes the shot look interesting. The body language is also at angles, making the shot look full of attitude, which appeals to my target audience. There is no running theme in outfit or style between the band members which creates the idea that anyone can relate to them. However, there is unity between the members as they are all girls and all wearing something black which links them to the target audience of 'emo's' or'goths' as these social groups are known to wear black. As the band are reasonably unknown, there band name is written above them in a large font so that it will draw audience attention after they have viewed the image. The name is written in a bright font because statistically, the brain recognises and enjoys bright colours over dull colours. The image fits well with my article collums, creating difference in length so as to make the page less equal and therefore more messy, appealing to my teenage audience.
However, the background of my page is all white, which is quite boring. Unfortunately, finding a background colour that would blend with the writing and the image is difficult to find.

Front page

This is my front page. It was a struggle to make it look proffesional. I used photoshop to edit my main image, then I moved thr file onto publisher to help create a good layout. I am happy with my front cover because all the information is readable and relevant. Also, my picture looks like it was not taken under studio lights, thus giving it a home-made finish. This helps to appeal to my intended audience as it makes the band look down to earth and natural. Plus, the image looks like a picture anyone could take, and thus the audience can relate to the image. I have kept up the house style using the same three colours: white, blue and red. These link to our union jack logo.
However, the front cover still lack the professional finish, something is missing. I have done the best with the programme software I had available and my own talent in using them. Although I am happy with the end result, I feel that it could be improved and the finished cover does not look exactly as I'd pictured it.
Making this front cover, I have learnt how using photoshop can give my images a finished look, and it can change the lighting subtly to create the atmosphere I wanted. I have also learnt how important the positioning of people in my images can be, and what certain body language can portray to create meaning.

By Maddy

Sunday 27 March 2011

Double Page Spread

This is my double page spread. It has the RIOT! house style in the top left corner with the masthead design and chosen font style to show the title of the page. The Band's Name is also in the same font and colour as it is on the Front Cover. The main picture has been cut and edited by raising the saturation and lightness, the same editing done to the top-right corner picture. The two pictures in the middle have been turned black and white with the exception of the hair. The lines inbetween the article follow the house style used on both the front cover and contents page. 

By Ollie

Thursday 24 March 2011

Second edition of Hannah's double page spread

Here is my second draft of my double page spread, I have used the right font now on the top left for the band title and included more fo the interview to make the page look more full, also i have moved the photos around to include the rest of the interview and just to see what it would look like if I moved them around. It still needs work, but im happier with this draft than I was with the first draft.
By Hannah Angwin

Monday 21 March 2011

Hannah's Mock up of contents page

This is my mock up of my contents page. Its got blue postman pat writing and looks just like Maddy's and Ollie's but from a different issue. Ive got sample images from the interview with Manic Poyo. And other images such as me in the top right from the peice about 'caught out images of 2010'.
By Hannah :)

Contents page

This is my contents page. I found it very difficult to make it look reasonably professional as many attempts looked amateurish. I like that the 'contents' is vertical and fills the side, I also like the fact that I have used both vertical and horizontal writing as it makes the page look more interesting. I think my contents page could still be improved as there is an element missing that makes it lack a real professional finish. However, my contents page is good because I have kept the house style the same, using the same font for the word 'contents' page as my mast head and using the same colours as the union jack.

By Maddy