Monday 28 March 2011

Double page spread

This is my double page spread. Trying to find a good image for this page was very difficult as it has to fit well on the page and match the article's description of the band. I am happy with my double page spread image as there are many levels which makes the shot look interesting. The body language is also at angles, making the shot look full of attitude, which appeals to my target audience. There is no running theme in outfit or style between the band members which creates the idea that anyone can relate to them. However, there is unity between the members as they are all girls and all wearing something black which links them to the target audience of 'emo's' or'goths' as these social groups are known to wear black. As the band are reasonably unknown, there band name is written above them in a large font so that it will draw audience attention after they have viewed the image. The name is written in a bright font because statistically, the brain recognises and enjoys bright colours over dull colours. The image fits well with my article collums, creating difference in length so as to make the page less equal and therefore more messy, appealing to my teenage audience.
However, the background of my page is all white, which is quite boring. Unfortunately, finding a background colour that would blend with the writing and the image is difficult to find.

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