Thursday 10 March 2011

This is my front cover for our magazine. I have used the new masthead design for mine. I feel the use of colour on the front cover highlights the british aspect to it well, e.g the idea of anarchy. I feel the topics and contents of the magazine I have chosen to place on the front cover reflect our chosen genre well. The use of the gaming on the right apeals to teenagers. The humour aspect with my photo in the top left, having 'caught out' as a tag line for funny photos taken during 2010. The simple title for the cover story of 'they're back' I feel is effective, as it is straight to the point and tells the reader exactly why they are in this months issue. The use of popular and well known bands along the skyline attracts the reader. It is clear it is a music magazine as I have used two bands on it. I have included the bar code on the bottom right with the price and date of issue aswell. Overall i feel my front cover has followed the required genre and house style.  By Hannah :)

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