Monday 31 January 2011

Front page analysis

This is the front page of an issue of Kerrang Magazine. My front page analysis covers all the aspects that need to be examined. I have identified the skyline and heading, and why both are important to the overall style and look of the magazine. 'Kerrang' is a reasonably popular music magazine, and it is important to look into what aspects of the cover make them easily recognisable to the audience. The front cover shows a clear house style which helps my group to see what aspects we need in our own music magazine. I think I have sufficiently analysed the most important aspects of this magazine front page in order to help make an accurate front page of my own. From this, I have learnt that my magazine needs to have a strong mid shot image to engage my preferred audience and as my magazine will not be well known, the mast head should not be blocked or covered in any way.

By Maddy

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