Wednesday 26 January 2011

Mood boards for the front pages and contents pages of music magazines is our genre

We designed two different mood boards - one for the front pages of music magazines that match our genre, and one for the contents pages of music magazines that match our genre. Most of the images are from the magazines: NME, Kerrang and Q. The mood boards are further research into our chosen 'rock' genre and give us an insight into the sort of house style we need to create in order to sell to our chosen audience. As you can see, most of the covers show dark backgrounds so that the artists are emphasized on the page. Often, the writing style is big, bold and bright for the main cover story so that the attention is drawn straight to it. I have learned from looking at other music magazines in our genre that layout is very important in how successful a magazine can be and what different house styles are on offer to match my genre.

By Maddy

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