Monday 28 March 2011

Double page spread

This is my double page spread. Trying to find a good image for this page was very difficult as it has to fit well on the page and match the article's description of the band. I am happy with my double page spread image as there are many levels which makes the shot look interesting. The body language is also at angles, making the shot look full of attitude, which appeals to my target audience. There is no running theme in outfit or style between the band members which creates the idea that anyone can relate to them. However, there is unity between the members as they are all girls and all wearing something black which links them to the target audience of 'emo's' or'goths' as these social groups are known to wear black. As the band are reasonably unknown, there band name is written above them in a large font so that it will draw audience attention after they have viewed the image. The name is written in a bright font because statistically, the brain recognises and enjoys bright colours over dull colours. The image fits well with my article collums, creating difference in length so as to make the page less equal and therefore more messy, appealing to my teenage audience.
However, the background of my page is all white, which is quite boring. Unfortunately, finding a background colour that would blend with the writing and the image is difficult to find.

Front page

This is my front page. It was a struggle to make it look proffesional. I used photoshop to edit my main image, then I moved thr file onto publisher to help create a good layout. I am happy with my front cover because all the information is readable and relevant. Also, my picture looks like it was not taken under studio lights, thus giving it a home-made finish. This helps to appeal to my intended audience as it makes the band look down to earth and natural. Plus, the image looks like a picture anyone could take, and thus the audience can relate to the image. I have kept up the house style using the same three colours: white, blue and red. These link to our union jack logo.
However, the front cover still lack the professional finish, something is missing. I have done the best with the programme software I had available and my own talent in using them. Although I am happy with the end result, I feel that it could be improved and the finished cover does not look exactly as I'd pictured it.
Making this front cover, I have learnt how using photoshop can give my images a finished look, and it can change the lighting subtly to create the atmosphere I wanted. I have also learnt how important the positioning of people in my images can be, and what certain body language can portray to create meaning.

By Maddy

Sunday 27 March 2011

Double Page Spread

This is my double page spread. It has the RIOT! house style in the top left corner with the masthead design and chosen font style to show the title of the page. The Band's Name is also in the same font and colour as it is on the Front Cover. The main picture has been cut and edited by raising the saturation and lightness, the same editing done to the top-right corner picture. The two pictures in the middle have been turned black and white with the exception of the hair. The lines inbetween the article follow the house style used on both the front cover and contents page. 

By Ollie

Thursday 24 March 2011

Second edition of Hannah's double page spread

Here is my second draft of my double page spread, I have used the right font now on the top left for the band title and included more fo the interview to make the page look more full, also i have moved the photos around to include the rest of the interview and just to see what it would look like if I moved them around. It still needs work, but im happier with this draft than I was with the first draft.
By Hannah Angwin

Monday 21 March 2011

Hannah's Mock up of contents page

This is my mock up of my contents page. Its got blue postman pat writing and looks just like Maddy's and Ollie's but from a different issue. Ive got sample images from the interview with Manic Poyo. And other images such as me in the top right from the peice about 'caught out images of 2010'.
By Hannah :)

Contents page

This is my contents page. I found it very difficult to make it look reasonably professional as many attempts looked amateurish. I like that the 'contents' is vertical and fills the side, I also like the fact that I have used both vertical and horizontal writing as it makes the page look more interesting. I think my contents page could still be improved as there is an element missing that makes it lack a real professional finish. However, my contents page is good because I have kept the house style the same, using the same font for the word 'contents' page as my mast head and using the same colours as the union jack.

By Maddy

Contents Mock-Up

This is my contents mock-up page. It has the same house style as the front page. The contents title is similar to the masthead as the title spreads from the Union Jack and then down the red banner, however it's positioned vertical unlike the masthead to show a variation. The font is the same font and colour as the front page and has the same red lines in between the different stories.

By Ollie

Thursday 17 March 2011

Hannah Double Page Spread

This is my mock up of my double page spread. I have used the band interview with my made up band on the right. On the left I have the photos we took for our practise shots. On the top left is a small fact file about the band aswell. The magazine title on the top right . On the top left I have the bands name to attract the desired audience, as it is on the front cover, sometimes a consumer will flick directly to the double page spread if it is their favourite band and so on, so an eye catching title and band name will direct the reader to what they want to read first.
By Hannah :)

Front Page Mock-Up

This is my mock-up of the front page design. The house style is similar used by the other members of my group. I used the new masthead design with the red background as the white looked like it was split from the masthead. The colours used in the skyline are the same used in the flag, linking it to its patriotic roots. The blue colour of the font used for the coverlines is also the same used in the flag. The fact that the cover story title is in orange seperates it from the coverlines, making it different and stands out. The positioning of the barcode and price is similar to the other issues.

By Ollie

Thursday 10 March 2011

This is my front cover for our magazine. I have used the new masthead design for mine. I feel the use of colour on the front cover highlights the british aspect to it well, e.g the idea of anarchy. I feel the topics and contents of the magazine I have chosen to place on the front cover reflect our chosen genre well. The use of the gaming on the right apeals to teenagers. The humour aspect with my photo in the top left, having 'caught out' as a tag line for funny photos taken during 2010. The simple title for the cover story of 'they're back' I feel is effective, as it is straight to the point and tells the reader exactly why they are in this months issue. The use of popular and well known bands along the skyline attracts the reader. It is clear it is a music magazine as I have used two bands on it. I have included the bar code on the bottom right with the price and date of issue aswell. Overall i feel my front cover has followed the required genre and house style.  By Hannah :)

Monday 7 March 2011

New Masthead Design

This is our new Masthead design. We decided to change it as the right hand side was white, and it made it look unfinished. We also used the Liquify tool in Adobe Photoshop to merge the centre of the of the image so that there is not too much of a difference between the change from picture to blank colour. We chose to use the red of the flag instead of the blue as the red is more vibrant and eye-catching. The font also stood out more on the red than with the blue. Also, the connotations of the colour red express anger, love and danger which could suggest that the magazine can offer these emotions and opportunities to the readers.

By Ollie, Maddy and Hannah

Draft of Double Page Spread Interview

Double Page Spread Article
Band Name: Ginger of Instrument
Genre: Indie Rock
Years Active: 2008 - Present
Origin: Wymondham
Band Members: Chuck Boris, Lindsay Cohan, Geri Shalliwell
Riot recently caught up with the latest indie sensation, Ginger of Instrument. The band includes the three founding members: Chuck Boris on drums, Lindsay Cohan on Bass and Geri Shalliwell as guitarists/vocals, and as the name lets on the three band members all have the same hair colour… one guess which colour that may be. This triangle of redheads sliced through the charts with their newest single ‘Ginger Rain’, reaching number 3 in the charts. With their new found success, they decided to make time in their busy schedule for an interview with an enthusiastic Riot. Here’s how it went….
Riot: Welcome to the Riot headquarters boy and girls. Like what you see?
Chuck: It could do with a bit of decoration.
Riot: Cheers. Before we talk about your new single, let’s get a bit of background information, How’d you trio meet?
Lindsay: We all went to the same college in our local town of Melton Mowbray, it wasn’t the best place to study at
Geri: (Chuckles) We all met in a Graphics class, me and Geri came out from jamming in the music department, which was right next to the graphics. As we walked into the class, Chuck turned on the charms and started talking to us. He had heard us jamming and told us he liked what we played. Funnily enough it worked and the rest as they say is history.
Riot: So you were a bit of a player then Chuck?
Chuck: Well once we became friends it died down a little, the jams became more frequent and things moved on.
Riot: In what way?
Chuck: We became a band without becoming a band basically.
Geri: As we jammed more and more we were becoming a band however never brought up the topic of taking anything seriously
Lindsay: That was until we got our first gig…

Riot: This sounds interesting. How did you come across the first gig?
Geri: Our friend heard us jamming, and as his old man owned a pub in a village next to ours, told us he would ask him if we could play there.
Riot: And?
Chuck: We rocked the house!
Lindsay: (Laughing) It was the best first gig ever! Saturday night in a country pub, filled with heavy drinkers.
Chuck: It became a frequent thing, almost once every month
Riot: Did this help you build a fan base?
Geri: It helped quite a lot actually. As the crowd got bigger, other pubs became increasingly jealous and started to book us for gigs in various towns and villages. We were driving around the county every weekend. Our name was soon known in every town and even in the city of Leicester in various parts.
Riot: So a story of world domination then? One of these gigs included the meeting of the respected band manager Charlie Perriam didn’t it?
Chuck: I shall ignore the world domination joke. But indeed this is where we met out manager, Charlie. He was in town with another client, having drinks in the bar next to the one we were playing in, we were that loud that they came next door to check us out...
Geri: (interrupting) … and he loved us! He came backstage and spoke to us about having time in a proper studio. He especially loved the song Ginger Rain, it became our closing song as it was that upbeat that the whole audience would go crazy dancing.
Riot: And now we come to the single, So Ginger Rain was a popular song before it was released as a single?
Lindsay: It was very popular around the local village and town as we had recorded a small EP in the studio at college. We began handing them out at the small local gigs. It took a while for the single to grow on people in Leicester but it eventually got there.
Riot: And what happened with the recording session with Mr Perriam?
Geri: We re-recorded the EP as well as some new material. Charlie was very enthusiastic about every song. We spent a lot of time in the studio perfecting our sound.
Chuck: It was a little while later that we heard from Charlie again. Then out of the blue he rang us and told us to listen to one of the DJ’s shows on Radio 1. We were huddled around a radio in my lounge waiting and waiting, until Ginger Rain was introduced as the next track. Before the first verse was over we were on the phone with Charlie again, talking about playing at a local festival that had small media coverage for the radio. Next thing we know we were in the line-up.

Riot: How long did this whole period of making a name for yourselves last?
Geri: About 2 years I think?
Lindsay: Roughly that. Once we played at that festival it all kicked off. We ended up touring small venues around the country once we had finished our studies. It was becoming so surreal for us that we were playing a gig and then moving on to the next venue and doing the same again every other day. It was just like you hear with these big popular bands only smaller.
Riot: Back to the single now… it’s currently 3rd in the charts, how do you feel about that?
Lindsay: Over the moon! It’s great to have your work recognised and shows how much your music is listened to.
Chuck: We got a call from Charlie whilst at a family thing, everyone was so happy for us.
Riot: It seems like you’re all on cloud nine right now, what’s coming up in your schedule?
Geri: We’ve still got a few more dates on our small tour
Chuck: After that it’s back into the studio to work on our debut album, then its straight back on tour to support its release.
Riot: Sounds like you’ve not got a lot of time to rest then?
Lindsay: I suppose we haven’t but as it’s what we’ve been planning for it doesn’t really bother us too much.
Riot: Well I’m afraid our times up for today. It’s been great to talk to you and we hope that everything goes well for your debut album.

Ginger Of Instrument’s first EP, Ginger Rain, was released on February 17th and currently ranking 3rd in the UK Top 40 charts. Their debut album is expected to be released mid- May with a following European tour.

By Ollie

Thursday 3 March 2011

First attempt at a magazine front cover

This is a first attempt at a magazine front cover, the image is not the one I wish to use as it doesn't really match the house style or genre, and the lighting would need to be darker. Plus, the image should be closer to a mid-shot. However, from setting this out, I have learnt that the 'RIOT!' masthead needs to be edited as the white half looks unfinished. However, the layout is set how I would like it to be: the barcode, masthead and skyline are fine. However, I might want to better structure the cover lines. Although, it could be argued that the random layout of the cover lines matches the audience and how they would set out something. It also matches the anarchy idea that our house style is based on.

By Maddy

Planning for my photo's

These 3 slides show my planning on the image I want my band to have. The clothes and hairstyle need to fit the house style of the magazine and the genre of punk rock. These slides have helped me to find other artists that will have a similar style to the one I want my band to have. It also shows popular females of the past, so I can see who has been popular in the past and who has not. From this, I have learnt that there are more popular female punk rock artists than I originally thought, showing my band idea would have a slot in the music industry.
By Maddy

Masthead Design

This is our masthead design for our music magazine, Riot. The union jack and title of Riot suggests the theme of anarchy. The font has the look of an old-school, homemade DIY effect that relates to the punk genre. The faded union jack also creates the feeling of being British, however with a lack of patriotism. It is also a young font and aims more towards a teeneage market. There are also not many British-made magazines and the fact that the Union Jack is included in the masthead suggests it is the best British-made magazine.
By Ollie, Maddy and Hannah