Monday 28 February 2011

Sample shots

These four pictures where rough attempts at using the camera to portray different effects. We wanted to show different positions and levels for the people in them to experiment positions for our band member photos. Ollie and Maddy edited the photos on photoshop. Hannah and Maddy took the photos and positioned the people in them. Maddy uploaded the pictures onto the blog and wrote this analysis.
These images have helped us to learn what positions work well and which don't. We also learnt that all our images need to be taken using a tripod to stop the camera shaking and the images from blurring. When we take the band images, we will need to use a tripod. These images have been manipulated to show our editing skills, the lighting and shade has been changed to make the pictures look purer.

By Maddy and Hannah

Thursday 17 February 2011

Hannah double page spread.

This is my double page spread. I drew it with a pencil.
I promise I wrote more, but this stupid blog deleted it.
By Hannah

Double page spread, rough layout

This is a rough drawing to show my main ideas for my double page spread layout. As the band is not well known, I want to make the image bigger to draw in the reader's attention. The Band name also needs to be written in a large font on the spread as reader's may not know them, and so their name will also attract attention to the band and help build an interest. The image of the girls needs to be the most emphasized point as it will interest readers the most so the background behind the girls needs to be slightly out of focus in order to make the girls the emphasis. I want to try and match the background colours to the house style as well as the band, so I'm choosing to use red, yellow and orange as background colours mixed with black and grey. The yellow, red and orange are to represent fire which links to the name 'Haze', they will also be out of focus in order to represent 'Haze' more clearly. The article will fill the opposite page, and I will include quote boxes to emphasize imortant information. I want the girls to be positioned with different levels to make the image look more interesting. A group shot will be the most effective way to show all the members reasonably equally.

By Maddy

Monday 14 February 2011


Our layout is going to be straight forward and simple. The skyline will be at the top of the page, advertsing comptetitions and merchandise only. Then the mast head will run from spine to trim, spelling 'RIOT!' with a union jack behind the 'R'.  Underneath this will be a mid-shot to match the main story of the issue. Beneath or to the side of the image will be a bar advertising some of the other cover lines in the issue. The barcode will be placed in the bottom right corner, as it is the least important part of the magazine according to the audience's interest. The issue date will be written underneath the mast head, in a small font, as it needs to be shown but is not massively important at first glance.

The image below shows a rough outline of the type of layout we will aim to achieve.

By Maddy

These two designs show two possible layout choices for our magazine. The mast head design is different on both to show two desgin choices that we have. Plus, the placement of the cover lines and other images are different to show options for design. As a group, we decided that the design with the picture of the girls is our favourite due to the style of mast head. The word 'RIOT!' is in a slanted and disorganised style that matches our genre. Plus, the design of the union jack looks better being placed behind the 'R' only as it keeps it's square place. Also, it creates contrast between the word, making it emphasized. However, both these designs are still only rough guidelines as to the design we finally create.

By Maddy

Band interview

Band interview
Name:  Manic Poyo
Genre: Punk Rock
Origin: Dumfries, Scotland
Years active: 1997-present
Biggest influences: Blink 182, Lostprophets, The Ramones, Biffy Clyro
Active members: Harvey Pleb, Pete Tractor, Joan Lamone and Travis Park
Hey guys, so you’ve made a recent explosive comeback, how’s the big reunion tour going for you?
Harvey (drums) : Well so far we’ve played 4 gigs and we’ve had a pretty big turnout, at least 600 – 1000 per night. The venues we’re playing are pretty great, not quite arena but still pretty amazing.
Pete (lead vocals): Yeah I mean, we finished our last tour in 2001, and by then we were playing pretty big venues and arena, but the smaller venues allow you to interact more with the fans.
Good, well what about the fans? Are they a good welcome back?
Joan (Bass): Yeah they’ve been pretty amazing they’re all loud and really lively, pretty much how we left them back in ’01.
Are you playing all your original stuff or have you written new material?
Travis (Lead guitar): Well we’ve written a few new things, but we’re not releasing them or even talking about them until revealing them at the shows and our album later on this year.
Pete: Well we know that most of the fans are there for our original stuff, that’s how they know who we are. I know I hate it when I got to a gig and they play new stuff that we don’t know it and cant join in.
How has the comeback affected your lives?
Harvey: Well of course we’ve all grown up a bit now, gotten more serious in our lives, in our music and got families and girlfriends.
Pete: I’ve got two kids now, I got married, Harvey you’ve got one on the way, and Travis is engaged, just.
Joan: Apart from me, I’m still single *laughs*.  No desire to be in a relationship. The band. That’s what’s important.
Pete: Yeah, right, good one! *all laugh*

Wow, so errm, serious? *all laugh* Does that mean we can expect great things from you guys then? How long will you be around for now?
Harvey: Well we’ll give up when people get tired of us *laughs*, we only gave up last time because we had a fall out. But like we said, we’ve grown up now and we’re back as adults. We were so naive and childish back then.
Joan: Yeah I think ‘H’ has got it pretty much covered there. We’re back now, and we’ll go when we’re not wanted anymore, but judging by gig ticket sales, that’s not for a while. *laughs*
Anything to say to the fans about your new tour?
Travis: It’s pretty electric and outgoing, all lively and shit, sort of a ‘we’re back, we’re explosive and we mean business’.
Pete: Yeah, you’ll enjoy the hell out of it, great value for money, we’ve got some amazing supports coming your way, like YM@6, some We the kings in there too, we’re prepared man *laughs*.
*All laugh*
Whats your favourite things you like to order on the rider?
All but Travis: Jelly cubes!
Travis: Urghh…
Why? Do you not like jelly cubes?
Travis: NO! This lot insist on it, but its disgusting, and not to mention really bad for you.
Joan: Mr ‘Healthy’.
Travis: Nah, I just prefer something heartier, like pie. A nice beef pie.
On the rider?
Travis: Yes *laughs*
We’ve got a few questions here from your fans:
Greg north (Hunstanton)
‘Have you guys got any favourite albums that you would recommend listening to?
Travis: Dirt – kids in glass houses , I know it’s all pop like at times, but there’s some really good tunes on there, ‘Youngblood’ in particular, just upbeat, good lyrics, one of my faves from last year.
Pete: System of a down – Toxicity, purely because we’ve met them and they said they loved ours *laughs* Nah, it’s an awesome album and they’re cool guys. ‘Chop Suey’ A classic, everyone knows It, but to those who have never even heard of this band, shame. On. You.

Harvey: Enema of state – Blink 182 .Best band ever, amazing music, I mean I just chose this album because it’s the first one I thought of, but all of their albums, just, genius.
Joan: I don’t have one, not really into music that much to be honest *laughs*….Well my taste is a lot heavier to these lot, I mean kids in glass houses? What!? I agree with Blink, but SOAD…..Nah I don’t know, I like tracks rather than bands.
Okay and just one more here:
Georgia Yeovil (Dumfries)
When on tour, are you going to do any meet and greets? Id love to meet you guys, I think your awesome.
Harvey: We’d really love to do that actually, we’ve talked about it in the past, and have done a few, but in the end, its where and when to do them is the problem.
Travis: I’m going to act like a geek here and say, I met kids in glass houses at a meet and greet earlier last year. It was a great experience, so if we’ve got fans of our own who want us to do stuff like that we will *smiles*.
Well that’s all we’ve got for you today, thank you all very much indeed for this, im sure your fans reading this will enjoy it
All: yeeaahhh!! *clap*
Manic Poyo’s new album ‘Ground to the sky’ Is released in June and their tour will commence until December, go to our website  for tour dates, competitions and more!

 By Hannah :)

Rough draft of article

Interview for double page spread
RIOT! caught up with new up and coming band Haze to find out what makes them tick, and why their music seems to be raging up through the charts, leading them up to a whole new world of opportunity and  popularity. Their latest single came fifth on Radio 1’s top 40 and we talk to the members about the album they will be releasing next month.
What you need to know about Haze (if you don’t already!)
Haze comprises of four members: Amber (lead singer), Grace (keyboard), Jessie (guitarist) and Soph (Drummer), the hottest new girl rock band. Their ages range from 17, Amber, to 20, Soph. The girls have been seen touring, including small gigs in Birmingham and Nottingham.  However, after getting signed by Sony Music Entertainment, the girls have rocketed into the main stream charts.  In the weeks that followed the girls released three singles, all placing in the top 40. With their new album on the way the girls have been spotted around London, in some of the top A-list hot spots, proving that their time is coming.  Before long they’ll be grabbing the number 1 spot.  It’s not surprising that they’re shooting up the celebrity ladder since a new, all girl, rock band has been in demand for a long time.
RIOT! was lucky enough to grab an interview before the girls became swamped with offers.  This is how it went…
RIOT!: Where did you guys meet?
Amber: Well, Grace and I went to school together. Jessie joined us after we met at a different band audition and decided to create our own band. We found Soph at our first small gig, she introduced herself and we clicked straight away. So, we invited her to join us.
Jessie: The four of us have become the best of friends and been together ever since.
RIOT!: How long did it take you to get you first real gig?
Soph: Well, after a Jam session at my College, the Head came in and asked us if we wanted to perform in our end of year assembly. Then Paul, the father of one of my mates, came forward and asked us if we wanted to perform at his club in Nottingham. Things have sort of spiralled since then.
RIOT!: How did it feel when the manager of Sony Music Entertainment asked you to join their label?
Grace: Well, at first we were in total shock, obviously. But we started talking about and realised we would be mad not to accept the offer.
Soph: To be honest, there was a bit of hesitation because you pick up such horror stories about major labels, but we created a mock-up of a contract and realised that most of the stories we’d heard were rumours.
Jessie: We are really grateful to get the opportunity. If it weren’t for Sony, we’d still be touring around the pubs where the audience couldn’t care less.
RIOT!: It sounds like you have a bit of a fairy tale lifestyle going on right now.
Amber: Yeah I guess we have been really lucky. I just hope our luck doesn’t run out too soon.
RIOT!: So, you’re all really beautiful young girls and I’m pretty sure everyone has noticed. Do you have any lads in your sights?
Grace: Well, actually, I already have a boyfriend…but if I could choose a celebrity, it would have to be Jared Leto. (Nervous laughter)
Jessie: I wouldn’t want to spread any rumours but I’m pretty sure Amber has already had a few offers… (Smirking)
Amber: (with fake surprise) I have no idea what you talking about! (Laughing) but since RIOT! is my favourite magazine, I guess I could spill the beans that I was asked for my number by Nick Jonas.
RIOT!: Well, although we at RIOT! are not a fan of the genre, I really hope you gave it to him
Amber: Erm… yea and he may have asked me for a date next Wednesday (winks)
RIOT!: It sounds like you girls have got it all! Thanks for coming in to talk to us.
Soph: No problem, RIOT! is our favourite magazine and you can always have an article with us.

Well there you go readers, the latest exclusive with Haze. It would be advisable to keep a close eye on these girls as they travel along the fast track to success. Just remember, you heard it here first!

Quote boxes:  RIOT! is our favourite magazine.   If it weren’t for Sony, we’d still be touring around the pubs.

By Maddy

Thursday 10 February 2011

Mast head

We have decided to call our magazine 'RIOT!' This is because it links to our genre of Indie/punk rock as many music video's of the genre feature fighting and destruction. Plus, at concents and gigs of our genre, people get involved in 'mosh pits' when listening to the music which involves pushing and shoving each other, which in a suburban setting would be classed as 'rioting'. Riot is a word that also links to the idea of anarchy which links to the style of our magazine and our preferred audience. The exclamation mark on the end creates the idea that the name is being shouted, which again links to the style of the magazine and the idea of anarchy.

The Mast head font will read from spine to trim, however the font will be messy, and some of the letters should be tilted in either direction to create the idea that this magazine is not straight edge. The background of the mast head, behind the font is going to be a union jack. However, it is going to be smudged, as if by a hand print, to lead away from the idea of patriotism and more about breaking the rules.

This image gives an idea of what sort of union jack ours will look like on our magazine.

By Maddy


The Skyline is very important on a magazine because the skyline and masthead is usually the only thing a member of the public can see when the magazine is on the shelf. For our magazine, we are going to use the skyline to advertise merchandise and competitions. This is because people are often intrigued about the idea of 'freebies' and the idea of winning tickets for gigs or free CD's simply by buying the magazine should help to draw in a strong readership. The format of our skyline will simply run across the very top of the magazine from spine to trim. Most likely, our skyline will be written in a bold, black font so it is easy to read and clear so that people will notice it straight away. This will be the same in every edition to keep the house style constant. Two examples of skylines that we could use are: ' Win tickets to see Lost Prophets live on tour!' or 'Discount off Blink 182's latest album inside this issue!'

By Maddy