Monday 14 February 2011


Our layout is going to be straight forward and simple. The skyline will be at the top of the page, advertsing comptetitions and merchandise only. Then the mast head will run from spine to trim, spelling 'RIOT!' with a union jack behind the 'R'.  Underneath this will be a mid-shot to match the main story of the issue. Beneath or to the side of the image will be a bar advertising some of the other cover lines in the issue. The barcode will be placed in the bottom right corner, as it is the least important part of the magazine according to the audience's interest. The issue date will be written underneath the mast head, in a small font, as it needs to be shown but is not massively important at first glance.

The image below shows a rough outline of the type of layout we will aim to achieve.

By Maddy

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