Monday 14 February 2011

Rough draft of article

Interview for double page spread
RIOT! caught up with new up and coming band Haze to find out what makes them tick, and why their music seems to be raging up through the charts, leading them up to a whole new world of opportunity and  popularity. Their latest single came fifth on Radio 1’s top 40 and we talk to the members about the album they will be releasing next month.
What you need to know about Haze (if you don’t already!)
Haze comprises of four members: Amber (lead singer), Grace (keyboard), Jessie (guitarist) and Soph (Drummer), the hottest new girl rock band. Their ages range from 17, Amber, to 20, Soph. The girls have been seen touring, including small gigs in Birmingham and Nottingham.  However, after getting signed by Sony Music Entertainment, the girls have rocketed into the main stream charts.  In the weeks that followed the girls released three singles, all placing in the top 40. With their new album on the way the girls have been spotted around London, in some of the top A-list hot spots, proving that their time is coming.  Before long they’ll be grabbing the number 1 spot.  It’s not surprising that they’re shooting up the celebrity ladder since a new, all girl, rock band has been in demand for a long time.
RIOT! was lucky enough to grab an interview before the girls became swamped with offers.  This is how it went…
RIOT!: Where did you guys meet?
Amber: Well, Grace and I went to school together. Jessie joined us after we met at a different band audition and decided to create our own band. We found Soph at our first small gig, she introduced herself and we clicked straight away. So, we invited her to join us.
Jessie: The four of us have become the best of friends and been together ever since.
RIOT!: How long did it take you to get you first real gig?
Soph: Well, after a Jam session at my College, the Head came in and asked us if we wanted to perform in our end of year assembly. Then Paul, the father of one of my mates, came forward and asked us if we wanted to perform at his club in Nottingham. Things have sort of spiralled since then.
RIOT!: How did it feel when the manager of Sony Music Entertainment asked you to join their label?
Grace: Well, at first we were in total shock, obviously. But we started talking about and realised we would be mad not to accept the offer.
Soph: To be honest, there was a bit of hesitation because you pick up such horror stories about major labels, but we created a mock-up of a contract and realised that most of the stories we’d heard were rumours.
Jessie: We are really grateful to get the opportunity. If it weren’t for Sony, we’d still be touring around the pubs where the audience couldn’t care less.
RIOT!: It sounds like you have a bit of a fairy tale lifestyle going on right now.
Amber: Yeah I guess we have been really lucky. I just hope our luck doesn’t run out too soon.
RIOT!: So, you’re all really beautiful young girls and I’m pretty sure everyone has noticed. Do you have any lads in your sights?
Grace: Well, actually, I already have a boyfriend…but if I could choose a celebrity, it would have to be Jared Leto. (Nervous laughter)
Jessie: I wouldn’t want to spread any rumours but I’m pretty sure Amber has already had a few offers… (Smirking)
Amber: (with fake surprise) I have no idea what you talking about! (Laughing) but since RIOT! is my favourite magazine, I guess I could spill the beans that I was asked for my number by Nick Jonas.
RIOT!: Well, although we at RIOT! are not a fan of the genre, I really hope you gave it to him
Amber: Erm… yea and he may have asked me for a date next Wednesday (winks)
RIOT!: It sounds like you girls have got it all! Thanks for coming in to talk to us.
Soph: No problem, RIOT! is our favourite magazine and you can always have an article with us.

Well there you go readers, the latest exclusive with Haze. It would be advisable to keep a close eye on these girls as they travel along the fast track to success. Just remember, you heard it here first!

Quote boxes:  RIOT! is our favourite magazine.   If it weren’t for Sony, we’d still be touring around the pubs.

By Maddy

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