Thursday 10 February 2011

Mast head

We have decided to call our magazine 'RIOT!' This is because it links to our genre of Indie/punk rock as many music video's of the genre feature fighting and destruction. Plus, at concents and gigs of our genre, people get involved in 'mosh pits' when listening to the music which involves pushing and shoving each other, which in a suburban setting would be classed as 'rioting'. Riot is a word that also links to the idea of anarchy which links to the style of our magazine and our preferred audience. The exclamation mark on the end creates the idea that the name is being shouted, which again links to the style of the magazine and the idea of anarchy.

The Mast head font will read from spine to trim, however the font will be messy, and some of the letters should be tilted in either direction to create the idea that this magazine is not straight edge. The background of the mast head, behind the font is going to be a union jack. However, it is going to be smudged, as if by a hand print, to lead away from the idea of patriotism and more about breaking the rules.

This image gives an idea of what sort of union jack ours will look like on our magazine.

By Maddy

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