Thursday 17 February 2011

Double page spread, rough layout

This is a rough drawing to show my main ideas for my double page spread layout. As the band is not well known, I want to make the image bigger to draw in the reader's attention. The Band name also needs to be written in a large font on the spread as reader's may not know them, and so their name will also attract attention to the band and help build an interest. The image of the girls needs to be the most emphasized point as it will interest readers the most so the background behind the girls needs to be slightly out of focus in order to make the girls the emphasis. I want to try and match the background colours to the house style as well as the band, so I'm choosing to use red, yellow and orange as background colours mixed with black and grey. The yellow, red and orange are to represent fire which links to the name 'Haze', they will also be out of focus in order to represent 'Haze' more clearly. The article will fill the opposite page, and I will include quote boxes to emphasize imortant information. I want the girls to be positioned with different levels to make the image look more interesting. A group shot will be the most effective way to show all the members reasonably equally.

By Maddy

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