Thursday 10 February 2011


The Skyline is very important on a magazine because the skyline and masthead is usually the only thing a member of the public can see when the magazine is on the shelf. For our magazine, we are going to use the skyline to advertise merchandise and competitions. This is because people are often intrigued about the idea of 'freebies' and the idea of winning tickets for gigs or free CD's simply by buying the magazine should help to draw in a strong readership. The format of our skyline will simply run across the very top of the magazine from spine to trim. Most likely, our skyline will be written in a bold, black font so it is easy to read and clear so that people will notice it straight away. This will be the same in every edition to keep the house style constant. Two examples of skylines that we could use are: ' Win tickets to see Lost Prophets live on tour!' or 'Discount off Blink 182's latest album inside this issue!'

By Maddy

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